29 September 2020 - Firm News , Trials & Appeals

Vincent Herron and Kevin Scott Score Victory

In September 2020, Halpern May partners Vincent Herron and Kevin Scott scored an early victory in a breach of contract and employment matter. The firm’s client is a New York-based asset manager that holds an indirect ownership interest in several California-based companies. An employee of one of those companies alleged that he was entitled to substantial bonus-compensation from his employer, and named the firm’s client as a defendant, asserting alter ego and other theories of liability. The firm moved to quash the summons on the grounds that, whatever the merits of the underlying case, the firm’s client had insufficient contacts with California to subject it to jurisdiction in the California courts. After full briefing and a lengthy hearing, the Court agreed, holding that the firm’s client was not subject to California jurisdiction, thus dismissing it from the case. 

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